Information technology and libraries: Scientific library of the Minusinsk regional local history museum will digitize its collections

21 August 2015

Scientific Library of the Martyanov regional local history museum of Minusinsk plans to digitize its collections. This will enhance access to the publications by readers, while ensuring the preservation of the originals.

Martyanov Museum of Minusinsk is the oldest museum in Siberia. It was founded in 1877 by Nikolai Martyanov, a pharmacist, scientist-botanist. At the same time appeared the Scientific Library of the museum, which holds unique collections of books, including those from the private collection of Martyanova, church literature, books on the history of Siberia – on the whole 133, 000 printed and handwritten books.

"First of all we will digitize the collection of rare books and periodicals. Currently, it consists of 417 handwritten and printed publications, including those from personal libraries: of the founder of the museum, N. Martyanov, gold miners, patrons G. Safianov (Minusinsk) and I. Sibiryakov (Irkutsk). There have been formed such collections as: "Editions of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)." Publications of Minusinsk printing houses" and others. The collection of rare books is the stage of formation.

Newspaper collection contains about 4, 000 annual filings, including copies of the unique Siberian periodicals, which are not present in other libraries. These are such filings as "Yenisei Provincial bulletin" dated 1857-1893, Minusinsk newspapers of the early twentieth centuries... Some pieces of digitized publications will be posted on the website of the Martyanov Museum of Minusinsk" noted E. Sidorina, head of the scientific library, Minusinsk regional local history museum.

For gentle digitizing of the library collection will be used a planetary scanner ElarSKAN A2-400, eliminating the risk of physical damage to originals, or exposure.