Society and culture: Exhibition of the artistic society “Association of travelling art exhibitions. XXI century” in Moscow
From August 15 to September 6, 2015, Sergei Andriaka Watercolors School (Moscow) presents the 59th exhibition of the artistic society "Association of travelling exhibitions. XXI century."
Artistic society "Association of travelling exhibitions. XXI century. (St. Petersburg)" was established in 2005 in St. Petersburg in order to revive and develop the best traditions of Russian art. The motto of the Association is "from best examples of old to the new, from the proven school to experiment." The union has been studying the artistic process in Russia and its influence on today’s man, the European art market, its mechanisms and importance for contemporary Russian art.
The name and nature of activity of the modern association resembles the "Association of Traveling Exhibitions" - the famous "Peredvizhniks" of the second half of the 19th century.
The exhibition brings together more than 60 paintings, drawings and sculptures by 30 artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Tula, Belgorod, Samara, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, Khabarovsk. Artworks on display were created in different genres and on various topics.
Among the exhibitors there are painters and sculptors who have studied classical art in best art schools of Russia and abroad.
The exhibition also features creative works of the artists, who teach in Russian art universities and colleges.