The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

14 August 2015

The Presidential Library collection The Tver region: the pages of history has been enriched with materials from the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Historical Archive, the Center for scientific reference and library information of the State Archive of Moscow, the Russian State Library, the State Public Historical Library, the N. K. Krupskaya Moscow Regional State Scientific Library, Libraries of the Moscow Theological Academy.

New acquisitions include archival documents, essays, studies, statistical data, covering geographical, socio-economic, political and other aspects of the history of the Tver region.

On combating Moscow and Tver princes for the great reign is told in a book by O. Linda Tver and Moscow in the first half of the XIV century (Moscow, 1906).

The book of A. V. Sokolov St. Grand Prince Mikhail Yaroslavovich of Tver (Tver, 1864) describes the life, activity and martyrdom of the Grand Duke.

In the case of Special geometric plan of the Tver province of Rzhev. Volodimirov. 1811 5 p. shows 4 plans: the plan of the city of Rzhev, Rzhev Volodymyr, city plan, a plan of the city of Rzhev of the Tver province Volodymyr, geometric, special plan for the city of Rzhev of the Tver province of Volodimirov in 1811.

In the case The Tver road palace. Plans, facade. 3 p. contains 3 plans: stone façade with two floors of the palace, stone ground floor plan and a plan of the upper floor. The Tver road palace - a monument of architecture of the XVIII - XIX centuries - Intended for the rest of the imperial family on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow, whence its name. Since 1896 (with a break in 1936-1961) it was located in the Tver Regional Art Gallery.

The statistical essay about the Value and profitability of lands of the Rzhevsky County of the Tver province: Local research 1883 (Tver, 1884) describes how to determine the value and profitability of land represented in the region by taking into account historical, geographical, natural and economic conditions. In the study of the Rzhevsky county was made the experience of the area as a whole (taking into account all the land and all the services, both private and peasants).

The report on the state of the Tver province for 1913. 23 p. collected data on natural and productive forces of the province and the economic activity of its population, on the dues and obligations of public improvement and order on the national health and education.

In the essay A brief look at the state of the manufacturing industry of the Tver province in 1844 (Tver, 1845) is provided data on the status of plants and factories (tanneries, malt, chemical, glass, porcelain, etc.). in different parts of the province.

Case On consideration of the matter by the Department of Industry, Science and Commerce of the State Council grant of the Tver museum. 13 p. (1900) contains documents relating to the financing of the Tver Museum in 1901. The documents contain the attitude of the Minister of National Education with a note printed magazine of the Department of Industry, Science and Commerce, an extract from the Memoria, holidays with the relationship, as well as holidays in the imperial order on the benefits from the State Treasury for the maintenance of the Tver Museum.

B. B. Veselovsky in Historical essay of the activity of zemstvo institutions of the Tver province (1864-1913) (Tver, 1914) presents the full details of the district councils, provincial and district zemstvos, on its development and its size in various fields.

Application to the "St. Petersburg Senate statements" State of the Tver city police. 1858, № 55 (July 11) contains information about the number of officials, their grades and ranks on the amount of salaries.

The list of candidates for the Tver district on the election to the Constituent Assembly Commission. 13 p. (1917) includes: the candidates of the People's Party of Freedom, the Tver provincial department of the Russian Union of landowners, the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Provincial Council of Peasants' Deputies, the All-Russian Social-Democratic organization "Unity" and the Board of Rzhevsky of the credit union and savings and loan associations, the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party (united), the Tver organization of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks), the Labour Popular Socialist Party, the Tver commercial and industrial union.

The Russian church historian and local historian, the priest N. A. Krinitsky in Information of time in the spread of Christianity in the areas now included within the Diocese of Tver (Tver, 1895), exploring the little-studied problem of traces of Christianity in the region, stopped on the description of geographic and ethnographic the provisions of the Tver region, in my opinion, greatly influenced the rapid and peaceful spread of Christianity in it.

In the book of A. N. Lebedev Description of the Troitsky Kolyazin Man First Class Monastery of the Tver diocese (Yaroslavl, 1867) describes the location of the monastery, the history of its establishment, of the monastic buildings at different times, the management of the monastery and the ways of its content.

V. R. Apukhtin in the Materials for the history of nobility of the Tver province: the Tver nobility militia in the Great Patriotic War and donations nobility of the Tver province in 1812 (Tver, 1912) on the basis of numerous archival documents of 1812-1814, studied a little-studied issue in the Military-Historical literature on the role of noble militia.

The preparation of new materials for the collection will be continued.