Information technology and libraries: The project “Mobile Library” launched in Cheboksary

14 August 2015

In the Year of Literature in Cheboksary appeared unusual tables with images on them spines of books and coded. These are mobile libraries. The initiators of the installation are the Association of libraries of Cheboksary with the support of the city administration.

Mobile libraries were established in the framework of the events of the Year of Literature and in order to promote reading. They placed QR-codes that contain links to electronic libraries for reading electronic books simple and convenient way - using a mobile phone, smart phones or tablet. Now citizens are available worldwide, domestic and children's literature, as well as books about the Great Patriotic War. Among the submitted publications are the best works of Russian and foreign classics, and books recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia for reading by pupils.

Rules of mobile library are simple. First of all, you need to install the program on your mobile device reader of QR-codes, select liked edition to bring a mobile phone or tablet to the QR-code of the selected book, go to the recognized link and start reading it.

Here, every user of the mobile library may become a party to major international book exchange movement called "Book crossing", to choose a book on a special shelf, completely free of charge and without filling in any paperwork to borrow, as well as to exchange it, or with any other lovers of reading. Shelf book crossing is regularly updated with members of the municipal libraries. Anyone can bring and leave on the shelf already read books, in good condition, do not violate the rights of the child and not included in the federal list of extremist materials.