International events: The presentation of a book, dedicated to the relationship between Russia and Europe, in Berlin

27 September 2015

Presentation of the study of centuries-old relations between Russia and Europe was held in Berlin. Three-volume “Between us… Entre nous” came out in the series "Biblio chronicle", it is produced more than ten years by the famous Russian collector Alex Vengerov. The story is presented as a look through the prism of unique books from his collection, dedicated to the topic.

Each of the three books devoted to our country's relationship with individual countries: Germany, France and the UK, and each volume - bilingual. The text can be read in both Russian and the language of the country.

The publication is richly illustrated and contains very extensive comments.

Speakers at the presentation noted that the book "was intended for the general public, not only in Russia but also in other countries".

After the presentation, all three volumes are donated to the Berlin State Library.