Information technology and society: Participants of the Caspian media forum discussed perspectives of development of the media industry

24 September 2015

Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Alexei Volin spoke about the prospects of development of the media industry on the First Caspian Media Forum, which was held in Astrakhan from 16 to 20 September, 2015. The purpose of the forum - the establishment of direct links between the media of the Caspian states, which highlight the events in the Caspian region.

In his speech, the Deputy Minister referred to the challenges and opportunities facing media industry. With the development of new modern ways of presenting information, users increasingly get their information from social networks, rather than from newspapers and television. In this regard, there is a problem of poor content.

"The information becomes more than people need. The lines between reliable and unreliable information are erased. In terms of abundance and overabundance of news our trump card - is the production of professional and interesting, truthful and useful content", - said Alexey Volin.

In his speech, Alexei Volin also reminded of the importance of the formation of the correct public opinion and attitudes to information. He noted that the Ministry of Communications of Russia is working to increase the media literacy of the population. This allows users finding relevant and useful information to choose honest and credible sources of information.