Museums of Russia: The Museum by Vladimir Gilyarovsky to be open in Moscow to the 160th anniversary of the writer and journalist

16 September 2015

The museum of the famous writer, journalist Vladimir Gilyarovsky will soon be open in the Russian capital. One of the most famous his works is the collection of essays “Moscow and Muscovites”. It is expected that the museum will be open in the end of the year – in December, when the 160th birth anniversary of the writer will be celebrated.

It will run in the Stoleshnikov Lane, where almost half a century Gilyarovsky lived. Among the exhibits are historical costumes for uncle Gilya - such pseudonym he signed his reports in the newspapers of the time and so it was called by friends and relatives. There also can be seen household items, furniture and utensils of the time. In addition, the exhibition will also include memorabilia and a portrait of the writer in the famous fur hat. It was considered as a hallmark of Gilyarovsky.  

The book fair, which will present different editions of the book "Moscow and Muscovites", starting fro m the first, is prepared.

It is planned to create not only a permanent exhibition, but also an interactive space, a lecture hall and even a cafe-style Russian restaurants of the late nineteenth - early twentieth century, who is repeatedly described by Gilyarovsky. The museum will be released in the Internet space.