Memory of Russia: Monument to Prince Rurik and Oleg in Staraya Ladoga
September 12, 2015 in the village of Staraya Ladoga (the Leningrad region) is held the opening ceremony of the monument to the founders of the Russian statehood - Grand Duke Rurik and Oleg.
The five-meter bronze sculpture is a figure of princes, based on the board, representing the defense of the state, the power and strength of the Russian people.
The contest for the best project of the monument was announced in October 2012. In February 2013 38 sculptors presented their works, which were assessed by the competitive commission: it included artists, architects and representatives of the Volkhov district. The winner was sculptor Oleg Shorov.
Monument in Staraya Ladoga was the first independent monument to Prince Rurik; his picture is on the monument of Millennium of Russia in Veliky Novgorod.