History of Russia: Historical and documentary exhibition “Crimea in the history of Russia” in Simferopol
September 9, 2015 in the Central Museum of Tauride (Simferopol) will be held the opening of the historical and documentary exhibition “Crimea in the history of Russia”.
The historical and documentary exhibition is dedicated to the role of Russia and covers a considerable chronological period, beginning from the Christianization of Prince Vladimir in ancient Chersoneses to the present day. Tauride became the cradle of Christianity (in the Byzantine model), where it has been extended to all Russia. It has determined the historical fate of the Millennium nation and state, spiritual and cultural development of society. The XIV century includes information of the official veneration of a saint Prince Vladimir, presented at the exhibition manuscript belongs to 1383 and contains "The Word of the Holy Prince Vladimir, who crossed the Russian land with brief scenes from his life". The image of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich among Russia's rulers is embodied in the "Big Book of State".
The exhibition presents a unique, which has not only historical but also artistic value, (oath) diploma of 1682 of the Crimean Khan Murad Giray to Tsars Ivan Alexeyevich and Pyotr Alexeyevich of non-infringement prisoner of the twenty years truce.
The exhibition also presents documents and materials on the history of these lands after independence from the Ottoman Empire (November 1 1772) and before the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city councils Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea (March 11 2014) and the signing of the agreement on the entry of the Republic of the Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Russian Federation (18 March 2014).
Unique archival documents, legislative materials, letters, maps and plans of the Crimea individual cities, photographs, museum objects, most of which are displayed for the first time for professionals and the general public on such a large-scale exhibition, which tells about the centuries-old history of the Crimea and its important role in the history of Russia.