Internet and society: The domain .RUS will consolidate the Russian world in Internet

8 September 2015
Source: RIA News

The emergence of the Russian-speaking domain .RUS answers the interests of the vast community of people who is connected with common language, common cultural values ​​and heritage, said senior researcher at the Institute of Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of Russia Mikhail Gurov at a press conference in MIA "Russia Today" in Moscow.

"Russian Runet domain -.RUS aims to unite the world Russian-speaking online community to support the dissemination and popularization of the Russian language and culture on the Web. In a society it is growing the interest in Russian culture. And the creation of this domain is able to satisfy this interest", - said M. Gurov.

Vice-rector for science at the A. S. Pushkin Institute of the Russian language, Mikhail Osadchiy, in his turn, noted that, thanks to cyrillization of the domain, the Russian language acquires a different meaning in cyberspace. "It becomes a full member of an online community and pretend to be the leader among Internet language", - said Osadchiy.

Participants of the press-conference also touched on the process of launching the Russian-speaking domain. Director of Marketing and PR company "Russian Names" Fedor Smirnov said it would take place in several stages.

"In the first phase - from September 3 to October 6 – takes place a priority registration of the first period. At this time, to get an official domain .RUS is possible to trademarks made to the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). In the next 31 calendar days, from October 7 to November 6, 2015, it will take place a priority registration of the second period. It implies registration of trademarks registered under the Russian procedure. Then, from 11 November to 11 December 2015 starts the third priority registration period. During it the domains .RUS will go to organizations with brand names, the media, NGOs and appellations of origin", - said Smirnov.

He added that further will be followed another three stage. So, from 14 December 2015 on 15 January 2016 it will take place a priority registration for individual organizations. From 18 January to 11 March next year will be realized a premium registration. And from March 15 to May 20, 2016 will be held the final registration of a limited premium for owners of .RU.