Russian language: Meeting of the Council on the Russian language took place within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum

4 September 2015

In Vladivostok within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum was held the meeting the Council on the Russian language by the Government of Russia. It was led by deputy Chairman of the Government Olga Golodets. She noted that in spite of everything the world continues to speak Russian.

Opening the meeting, Golodets stressed that the cooperation with Asian countries today is very important and comes to the fore. According to her, China is interested in studying the Russian language, as well as further cooperation in the field of education. She stressed that it is already reached an agreement on the preparation of Chinese teachers in Russia.

O. Golodets drew attention to the fact that China's population is fluent in Russian, and Russia will make every effort to increase the popularity of our language in the world.

During the meeting it was discussed the potential of the Far East to promote the Russian language, and the use of cultural heritage of Russia to study the Russian language.