The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The exhibition “Russian writers: let us remember the names” in Stavropol

2 September 2015

As part of the events dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia, specialists of the department of the rare book of the M. Y. Lermontov Stavropol Regional Universal Scientific Library  prepared a book-illustrative exhibition “Russian writers: let us remember the names”.

The exhibition presents materials on the history of Russian literature, including anthologies, indexes, essays. Among them there is the essay "A Century of Russian Literature" (Odessa, 1849), which draws parallels between writers of different generations; N.V. Gerbel’s book "Russian poets" (St. Petersburg, 1898), released "to familiarize themselves with the best of the original works of Russian poetry"; Anthology by Y. I. Dushechkin "Our speech" (Moscow, 1912), which was intended for students of urban and rural schools.

Thanks to the exhibition, you can see that the writer P. D. Boborykin has a novel "Vasily Terkin", while F. D. Nefedova - artistic and ethnographic story "Ionich". A. I. Ertel wrote the novel "Mineral Water", published in the magazine "Russian Thought" in 1886, called by critics one of the demonstration satirical works of his time. Works by D. V. Grigorovich and D. L. Mordovtsev, L. A. Mey and L. N. Andreyev were published in classical works and a series of pamphlets "Cheap Library". A wide range was poetic heritage. The names of playwrights, whose plays are presented at the exhibition, are followed by the text marked "Permitted by censorship".

The book exposition reopens the formation of the undeservedly forgotten Russian literature of the XVIII, XIX and the first half of the XX century.