Museums of Russia: The exposition of the history of printing and Russian print “Novgorod printing house”

2 September 2015

The Staraya Russa center of intellectual and artistic development "Vvedenskaya Side" won the VIII Regional contest of innovative creative projects "Novgorodika" with new social, educational project "Novgorod printing house".

The main objectives of the project - creation of a permanent interactive exhibition of the history of printing and Russian folk, the development of innovative learning programs and the promotion of this bright in the Russian culture and medieval history of Veliky Novgorod phenomenon.

The project will enable a wide range of residents and visitors to discover the history and nature of Russian popular print, with its different kinds: spiritual, historical, songs, satirical, decorative, instructive. The project involves the reconstruction of a medieval print, in the exhibition space where visitors can get acquainted with the tools of the artist-engraver, cut the printed board in hands patterned letters, dial a simple text, print it on the machine, get a print, paint and draw it into the mat, right sign.

In addition, the room will feature printed popular prints of different years, exhibited in the form of printing impressions. Here, on a plasma screen, you can view films about the different printing techniques that exist in the world, advanced printing and printing technology, the history of Veliky Novgorod, captured in the ancient and modern printed engraving. In print will be held regular classes for Novgorod residents and guests. Professional artists, students of art faculties and art schools, students will be able to learn a new technique for their etching, linocut, monotype and get the opportunity to work on the provided equipment.