To the Knowledge Day: Exhibition project “Student Moscow. Pages of History” in Moscow

1 September 2015

The Day of Knowledge, September 1, the Main Archive Department of the city of Moscow opens at the Moscow City Pedagogical University a unique new exhibition project "Student Moscow. Pages of history".

This is the story of a bright and full of interesting events in the life of Moscow students over the past two centuries, a unique story about the activities of the oldest universities in Moscow - the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages ​​of the Moscow Imperial University, the A. L. Shanyavsky Moscow City People's University and many others.

"The basis of the exposition - documents and photographs from the collections of the Central State Archive of the City of Moscow, a large part of which is represented for the first time. Visitors will be available interesting paper on the introduction of student uniforms, student notes and schedule of lectures, unique personal materials. A significant part of the exhibition introduces the history of women's education: Moscow Institutes were among the first female educational institutions of the Russian Empire and later became one of the largest universities in the state. We hope that the exhibition of the main Archive at the Moscow City Pedagogical University is a great gift for the new academic year and once again remind you of the most exciting moments of the history of student of Moscow", - said the head of the Main Archive Department of the City of Moscow Yaroslav Onopenko.