History of St. Petersburg: the exhibition "For a long time the verses says Neva"

31 October 2015

"Long Since the Neva has Declaimed the Lines" exhibition opened on October 29, 2015, at the Museum of Printing (St.Petersburg).

The city on the Neva River has always inspired writers and poets. Petersburg is harmonious and severe, its beauty and majesty is due to a strict proportion and an elegance of the lines, in the composition of buildings. It is a city of ensembles and special lyrical states. That why poets admire St. Petersburg, poetizing its appearance.

The exhibition aims to reflect a dialogue with the city of the great writers and poets, who lived in St. Petersburg, has been here often or travel and wrote about it, which were encouraed by Petersburg to think about eternal values and the meaning of life.

The city on the Neva is inextricably linked with the history of the country. The works of writers and poets besides of their artworks’ value are also the monuments of bygone days, reflection and inner experience of each author.

The exhibition features about 400 exhibits from the collections of the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg: books, posters, illustrations for the works, portraits of writers and poets, busts and sculptures, as well as stamps, badges and postcards.