The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

30 October 2015

The Presidential Library Collection Russia - Germany: from the history of relationship has been enriched with materials from the State Archive of the Russian Federation, Russian State Historical Archive, Russian State Library, State Socio-Political Library, Moscow Regional State Scientific Library, as well as from a private collection.

The provided studies, essays, archival materials cover certain pages of the German history, beginning from the 13th century, as well as the long history of diplomatic, military, economic and cultural ties between Russia and Germany in the mid 17th – early 20th century.

A dispatch of Curtius, a syndic of Lübeck, to the agent Missler in Berlin [File]: 6/18 July 1804. 2 p. Copy. In German. There is a Russian translation.

The book of a lawyer, journalist, zemstvo figure, professor of the Moscow State University Sergei Muromtsev Formation of law under the teachings of the German jurisprudence (Moscow, 1886) is the amended and supplemented reproduction of the second division of the "Essays on the general theory of civil law", published in 1877. The book treats of the basic provisions drawn up by the German historical school on the formation of law.

The information on the municipal management in Berlin, Vienna and St. Petersburg of 1824 (56 p.) provides information on the public supervision over the main cities, on the election of deputies and their change, the rights and duties of deputies, the office work and mutual relations between the offices, etc.

There are archival materials containing photographs, lithographs and postcards with the views of German cities (13 p.), and the Plan of Berlin (1 p.).

In his work On the treaty of Novgorod with the German cities and Gotland, concluded in 1270 (St. Petersburg, 1855) state law master Ivan Andreevsky focuses on the problems of trade relations and the relation between the Old Russia with the West. It was the first publication of the text of the treaty of 1270 (the text is presented in parallel in Low German, High German, and Russian). 

The work of the Russian international lawyer, historian and statesman Baron Mikhail von Taube Saxon diplomat held captive by Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and the beginning of relations of the Moscow State with Saxony (Moscow, 1913) tells about the Russian-Saxon diplomatic incident that occurred during the hostilities between Russia and Sweden in 1615

A monograph by historian Alexander Trachevsky Union of princes and German policy of Catherine II, Frederick II, Joseph II. 1780-1790. (St. Petersburg, 1877) introduces the common history of Germany and Russia in the last quarter of the 18th century and an overview of the foreign policy of the two states. The work covers the influence of Russian-German relations on the foreign policy of the European countries, clerical work of external agencies, the Eastern question in the 18th century, ect.

Additional act between their Majesties the Emperor of all Russia and the King of Prussia, signed in St. Petersburg in 7/19 December 1818 [unknown place of publication 1818] completes the decisions of Vienna treatise of 21 April (3 May) 1815 regarding the trade and industry in the former regions of the Kingdom of Poland. The document gives the rates of duties for the passage of vessels, timber rafting, carriage of goods, rules of customs agencies. The text is given in parallel in Russian and French.

The notes of General of Infantry Fedor Mirkovich Emperor Nicholas and King Frederick William IV in 1840 (St. Petersburg, 1886) tell about the stay of Nicholas I in Brest, the emperor’s visit of the fortress, his acknowledgement with the situation in the province and the emperor’s charging the general as a border superior with a mission to go to Konigsberg to congratulate the King of Prussia on the occasion of his taking the oath.

The Journal Russian Antiquity of 1898 (Vol. 96, book 10, October) gives an article about Russia and Germany in the 19th century (pp. 3-29), and the memories of a statesman, State Councillor Peter D. Stremouhov about Prince Bismarck (pp. 65-68).

There is a file On the establishment of the Special Conference on Russia's entry into a special agreement with some foreign countries - on the mutual protection of copyright regarding the works of literature and art, on the conclusion of the Russian- French and Russian-German Copyright Convention. March 23, 1906 - February 16. 1913

The publication Germans and the Academy of Arts (St. Petersburg, 2003) aims to complement the concept of the Germans in relation with the Academy of Arts during the second half of the 18th - early 20th century. The study included the German painters who came to St. Petersburg and worked under the contract; the masters whose works joined the Russian oldest art collection accessible to the general public -

the Museum of the Academy of Arts; Germans (including the "Russian" ones and the "Baltic" ones), who studied, taught and were given various titles at the Academy. The authors tried to give an idea of the richness and variety of paintings, sculptures, graphics and architectural works of the museum, not intending to enumerate all the works of the collection.

Preparation of the new materials for the collection will continue.