Information technology and libraries: Children editions of the war years got digitized for the Russian State Children's Library
The ELAR Corporation has completed the collection of electronic books for the Russian State Children's Library (RSCL). About 20 thousand pages of children's books that have appeared during the Great Patriotic War are scanned and converted to PDFs.
"Digitization of the children books of the war years is a part of the larger exhibition project, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, - said the assistant director of RSCL Marina Burykina. - This year at the center of the exposition of exhibition of the series entitled "Reveling the Pages of Children's Literature" are the books published in 1941-1945, and the children's books telling about the events of that time. The war years’ publications look quite lowly: they were published in a shortage of paper, paint, labor and vitality. But the main thing is that these books were however released for children throughout the war."
Electronic copies of unique publications are available in RSCL electronic library. Access to them is provided in accordance with copyright law. The originals of these books are still available for young readers and bibliophiles in the reading room of the library.