The Museums of Russia: The apartment-museum of the writer Vasily Belov opened in Vologda

22 October 2015

The Apartment Museum of the writer Vasily Belov opened in Vologda. A year ago, regional government has asked the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to support theirs idea of opening it. Head of country instructed the Ministry of Culture to take patronage over this project.

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinskiy called the opening of the apartment-museum of Vasily Belov one of the main events of the Year of Literature in Russia, along with the opening of the Museum of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Pyatigorsk and the Museum of Joseph Brodsky in St. Petersburg.

"Creating a new museum is always a significant event in the cultural life of any country. Especially exciting, when it is dedicated to the artist who works with words, a truly national writer, patriot of his land. Vologda local resident, a thinker and a great expert of Russian out-of-the-way place, whole his life Vasily Belov was a true example of devotion to the Russian people and the Russian word", - as stated at Vladimir Medinskiy’s to Vologodians to mark the opening of the museum.

Vasily Belov was one of the leading representatives of the so-called "village prose". During the years of his literary career he released 60 books with more than 7 million copies. His works have been translated into 32 languages.

The new museum became a branch of the St. Cyril-Belozersky Museum. In this apartment the writer lived from 1987. This is where he has written his novel "Year of Great Change", "The Sixth Hour", "The Vologda Bays", many short stories, essays, journalistic articles and poems.