International events: Round table timed to the 70th anniversary of UN and dedicated to new global targets of sustainable development to is held in Moscow

21 October 2015

October 21, 2015 the Center of Documents of International Organizations under the Department of Official and Legal Publications of the Russian State Library and the Information Centre of the UN are holding an event timed to the 70th anniversary of the United Nations and dedicated to the new global goals of sustainable development - the round table "Global Targets Up To 2030: UN Proposes A New Agenda For Humanity." It brings together Russian experts and representatives of the UN agencies.

September 25, at the UN headquarters in New York, there was adopted an agenda for development up to 2030. According to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, such a program is a promise given by the leaders of countries to people living in the world. The humanity is proposed a universal, comprehensive action plan aimed at a profound transformation. It includes 17 goals of sustainable development. 

According to the plan, the goals will help to achieve three important outcomes over the next 15 years: put an end to extreme poverty; reduce inequality and injustice; climate change.

This will be the topics for discussion at the round table. The purpose of the event is to draw attention of RSL information resources users and students of Moscow universities to this important topic.