Information technology and culture: Multimedia exhibition “Van Gogh. Revived canvases 2.0” in Moscow

16 October 2015

In 2015 it is celebrated the 125th anniversary of the death of the great painter Vincent Van Gogh. In connection with the memorable date in all European countries are themed exhibitions and events, united under the general name "Van Gogh: 125 years of inspiration". Moscow has not gone away: grand multimedia exhibition "Van Gogh. Revived canvases 2.0" was opened in the center of design ARTPLAY on 15 October.

It is with the exhibition "Van Gogh. Revived canvases" began the history of multimedia art projects in Russia: in January 2014 was opened the first exhibition at the Design Center ARTPLAY.

Created especially for the Year of Van Gogh, an updated version of the exhibition "Van Gogh. Revived canvases" tells of the tragic life and the magnificent work of a remarkable artist. Retaining all the best, version 2.0 focuses on key works of the great Dutchman. Visitors have the opportunity to study in detail already favorite paintings: Japanese motifs, mysterious star of the night, expressive French landscapes of the late period. 400 the most iconic paintings by Van Gogh, great classical music, the huge screens on the total exhibition area of ​​over 2,000 square meters without a doubt will make a lasting impression on the audience.

One who wishes to not only enjoy the beautiful paintings, but also learn more about the life and work of the artist, they can visit lectures by leading art historians, as well as take part in workshops on painting.