History of Russia: The Historical and Documentary exhibition to the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Ministry of Railways in Saint-Petersburg

15 October 2015

October 15, 2015 in the Exhibition Hall of the Federal State Archives (St. Petersburg) is opened a historical and documentary exhibition ""In the service of the Russian milestones". To the 150th anniversary of the Ministry of Railways".  

June 15, 1865 by decree of Emperor Alexander II, the General Directorate of Railways and public buildings has been transformed into the Ministry of Railways for the practical implementation of the plan for the rail network, and from that time until 1917, it is the central institution for which it was responsible for the management means of communication in the Russian Empire.

The purpose of the exhibition – on the basis of documents to fully show the activity of predecessors and the Ministry of Railways.

The exhibition includes more than 250 unique documents. It is represented a large complex documents on the activities of directors, CEOs and ministers of Ministry of Railways. The exhibition includes formulary lists, diplomas, certificates, photos, certificates, official documents, letters and diaries of department employees, who have launched the development of transport construction, science and technology.