Society and book culture: Rospechat offers contemporary authors to create manuscript books

14 October 2015
Source: RIA Novosti

The Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications (Rospechat) opened the project “Handmade: manuscript books of contemporary authors”, which invites everyone to create the book by their own hands.

“Today we start the project. Now we invite contemporary authors for cooperation, they must take paper, pen and try to write in two copies the books of their poems by hand”, - said the head of Rospechat Mikhail Seslavinsky.

According to him, one of the copies of the book will go to the State Literary Museum “for permanent storage”, and the other in January 2016 will be played along with the other in the book auction. “The funds collected from the auction will go to benefit the museum of Mandelstam in Friazino, as 2016 will mark the 125th anniversary of the birth of the poet”, - said Seslavinskiy.

Director of the State Literature Museum Dmitry Bak, in his turn, ensured that all the books, without exception, will fall to the fund. “All received by us during the project books, of course, will be read and appreciated by us, but in the works and themes we do not limit in any way the poets”, - he said.