To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: The exhibition of Russian artists “War and Peace” in China

9 October 2015
Source: RIA News

The Art Museum of China in Heilongjiang Province on October 10, 2015 within the framework of the Second Russian-Chinese EXPO will open the exhibition "War and Peace", for which it was selected about 50 paintings and graphic works, advised in the press service of the Ministry of Defence of Russia and Information.

According to the War Department, the exhibition will feature paintings from the collection of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg), which will be supplemented by exhibits from the private museum of the Soviet and Russian art in Shanghai.

It is noted that for the exhibition were selected about 50 paintings and graphic works dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

According to the Ministry of Defence a part of works belongs to the artists - participants of the Great Patriotic War, and a separate group consists of painting in the besieged Leningrad.

After ending the exhibition in Heilongjiang it is planned to show it to other cities in China.

The second Russian-Chinese EXPO will be held on October 12-16 in Harbin. The EXPO will bring together representatives of Russian regions and actively developing economic ties with China.