Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “Valentin Serov. To the 150th birthday anniversary” in Moscow

7 October 2015

The exhibition "Valentin Serov. To the 150th birthday anniversary" opens on October 7, 2015 at the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow).

The State Tretyakov Gallery is the most awaited project of the year - exhibition of works by Valentin Serov (1865-1911), one of the most popular Russian artists, the largest and a key figure of his time.

Serov synthesized in his work the best traditions of Russian realistic school, the lessons of the old European masters, innovation, contemporary painters. He not only identified the development of Art Nouveau in Russia, but also became the forerunner of the avant-garde. For Russian art Serov became the formative artist. Universalism and paradoxes of his talent, he anticipated the archetype of the creative personality of the XX century.

Exceptional giftedness of Serov allowed him to clearly manifest himself equally in different areas of the fine arts - in easel and monumental painting, drawing, theater, and arts and crafts. Genre range of his work is diverse and includes historical paintings, landscapes, genre sketches, illustrations. But the main thing - Serov was an outstanding portraitist, he created a vast number of rare and on the quality and depth of performance characteristics of a gallery of his contemporaries, which reflects all the contradictions of the era of the turn of the century.

The exhibition showcases the best works of the master, and the brilliant paintings and graphic works, thanks to which the artist has gained universal love - as the grand ladies and artistic elite of his time, as the adherents of the realist tradition, and lovers of the avant-garde. The lower part of the main body of these works was shown at the State Tretyakov Gallery at an exhibition in 1991 and the graphics exhibition in 2011. The objective of this project, for the first time in the history of the museum in the ensuing three floors of the exhibition halls on Krymsky Val - reveal new meanings and new accents in understanding the creativity and personality of the artist's most significant era.

The exhibition presents Serov as a universal master, enthusiastic multitude of artistic problems and all his search to achieve absolute perfection.

The exhibition contains works, which for many years have not been demonstrated to the domestic audience. From the National Gallery of Armenia was brought back portrait of Maria Akimova (1908), which Serov himself considered one of his best paintings. The event will show the portrait of the artist's cousin Maria Lvova (1895, Musée d'Orsay). This picture was first returned to Russia after its export to France at the beginning of the last century. Portraits of royalty are also widely shown. Of particular interest will be brought from Denmark a Portrait of Emperor Alexander III (1899 Officers Fund of the Royal Life Guards), presented by Emperor Nicholas II officers of the Royal Life Guards, the chief of which was Alexander III.

Through the section, included documents, letters, photographs, Serov appears as one of the most authoritative figures in the public life of his time: a teacher, a member of the State Tretyakov Gallery, member of association "Peredvizhniki", "World of Art" and "Union of Russian Artists".

Graphic part of the exhibition is unique in its own way. Figures one of the best graphic artists in the Russian art to the public generally familiar illustrations, because of the fragility of the materials are exhibited significantly less than spectacular. At this time the attempt as much as possible to introduce this area of ​​the artist: the sheets are gathered together from 15 museums and private collections 4. The exhibition displays the work of Serov in a variety of genres and in all possible graphic techniques: watercolor, gouache, pastel, pencil drawings. The choice of technique and fundamentals pattern was dictated by the nature of nature itself.

The exhibition published fundamental catalog, preparing cultural and educational program. In order to transfer part of the project online and to expand exhibition space was created a special website