Internet and libraries: Internet broadcast of the II International Bibliographic Congress

6 October 2015

The Russian State Library, The National Library of Russia, the Presidential Library, the Russian Book Chamber, the Russian Library Association, the Library Assembly of Eurasia hold on October 6-8, 2015 at the RSL the II International Bibliographic Congress under the motto “Bibliography: the look in the future”. 

Internet broadcast of the Congress will start on October 6, 2015 at 10:00 Moscow time at the website of the Russian Library Association of Electronic Libraries.

It is planned to hold two plenary and six breakout sessions on the following areas:

- General and future problems of bibliography.

- Bibliographic record as a basis of the formation of bibliographic resources. 

- Universal bibliographic resources.

- Information and bibliographic maintenance of science, technology education and culture.

- Bibliographic ensure of free development of personality.

- Information and bibliographic services and user training.

- The regional bibliography (section is held within the framework of the XVI National Scientific and Practical seminar “Problems of regional studies of libraries” on October 5-8, 2015 on the basis of the A. M. Gorky Perm State Regional Universal Library).