Museums and society: The museum forum “Modern museum activity: cultural policy and museum practice” in the Moscow region

26 November 2015

November 26-27, 2015 in the Museum-Exhibition Complex "New Jerusalem" (the Moscow region) is held the Regional Museum Forum "Modern museum activity: cultural policy and museum practice".

As part of the Museum Forum is planned to discuss the draft of the Strategy for the foundations of the state cultural policy in the period up to 2030, partly related to museum work, as well as a series of events dedicated to the major events in 2015: the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Year of Literature and the 175th birthday anniversary P. I. Tchaikovsky.

The forum is attended by representatives of the museum community and cultural workers from various regions of Russia and CIS countries.

In the second day of the forum will be held three round-tables on discussions on topical issues of museums:

- "Mobile exhibitions: inter-museum exhibition project".

- "Changes in the law on the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation".

- "Designing the Museum: current trends, practices, support tools".