Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “Live and true statistics of Russia” to the birthday of V. I. Dal, to be open in Saint-Petersburg

25 November 2015

November 26, 2015 in West housing of the G. R. Derzhavin Museum-Estate (St. Petersburg) in the framework of the project "Literary Calendar" will be open the exhibition "Living and true statistics of Russia", dedicated to the birthday of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

The exhibition includes portraits of V. I. Dal and his contemporaries, lifetime editions of the writer and his articles; the second (revised by the author) edition of Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language (1880-1882); ethnographic types from the album "The peoples of Russia"; splint from the collection of D. A. Rovinsky; lithograph depicting scenes of folk life; map of Orenburg province of the XIX century; views of St. Petersburg, Orenburg, Novgorod and Moscow, including drawing VA Zhukovsky - kind of Orenburg made of windows of the house of Vladimir Dal. For the first time the album will be shown the private collection of drawings by V. I. Sternberg made during the Khiva campaign. 

The exhibition will run until December 26, 2015.