Memorable dates of Russia: The scientific-practical conference “Suvorov – citizen, soldier, pilgrim” to the 285th anniversary of the leader in Borovichi

24 November 2015

In Borovichsky District on 24-25 November 2015 are held events dedicated to the celebration of the 285th birth anniversary Alexander Suvorov and the 215th anniversary of the temple of the Holy Trinity in the village of Sopiny (Suvorov Temple).

The Museum of the History of Borovichi and Borovichi district is held the Scientific-practical conference "Suvorov - citizen, soldier, pilgrim". Their works will present Borovichi schoolchildren - winners of essays on the theme of Suvorov, with presentations by researchers of the Novgorod Museum Reserve, St. Petersburg museums and public organizations. At the conference will be discussed issues relating to the life and work of A. V.  Suvorov, perpetuating the memory of the commander, the history of museum collections and estates of Suvorov.

The program of readings will be continued on November 25 by laying flowers at the monument to A. V. Suvorov and excursion program in the Suvorov Museum-Estate in the village of Konchanskoye-Suvorovskoye of the Borovichsky district.

The village of Konchanskoe-Suvorovskoye was once the ancestral estate of the legendary commander, and now here is Russia's only museum-estate of Alexander Suvorov, telling about his home life, business activities and relationships with the peasants. Museum-Estate includes winter and summer home of Alexander Suvorov, a former church built in 1901 and used for the exposure of materials that tell about the Italian-Swiss campaign, which includes a picture-diorama "Alpine campaign of Suvorov". The estate also includes a manor park with a pond, Gazebo Park, alleys and oaks of Suvorov times.