International events: The International forum, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of German-Russian Museum Dialogue, in Berlin

18 November 2015

November 16-17, 2015 in Berlin was held an international forum dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the German-Russian Museum Dialogue.

The theme of the Forum was to analyze the results of the joint 10-year study of Russian and German museum professionals, historians and art devoted to the issue of military cultural losses of the Second World War. On the Russian side the German-Russian dialogue is headed by Director of the State Hermitage, the President of the Union of Museums of Russia, Mikhail Piotrovsky. On the German side - his colleague, President of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Hermann Parzinger.

As part of the forum at the Museum Bode Director General of the State Library in Berlin, Barbara Schneider-Kempf, gave Natalia Grigorieva, General Director of the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve Book of 1651 - Missal in Old Church Slavonic with the seal of Novgorod. Unique folio was taken out from Novgorod by the Nazis during the Great patriotic War.

The scientific part of the Forum was attended by the German and Russian researchers, who spoke about the problem of lost cultural values and displaced art.