World culture: The exhibition of manuscripts of Shakespeare to the 400th anniversary of his death to be open in Windsor Castle

18 November 2015

The Windsor Castle (Berkshire, England) next year will host an exhibition dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. The exhibition will be devoted to the poet's relationship with the royal court, and the castle itself.

"One of the" highlights "of the exposition will be shown for the first time the first collections of works of Shakespeare purchased by King George IV, when he was still the Prince of Wales. This book, published seven years after Shakespeare's death by his friends and fellow actors, John Hemminge and Henry Condell, for the first time gathered together all the splays, but also included a number of previously unpublished works", - told in the press service of the Tourist Board of the UK VisitBritain.

In addition, the second copy of works of Shakespeare will be exhibited, annotated by King Charles I and George III.

The exhibition will present the manuscript dates from year 1607, which depicts the Windsor Castle and its surroundings in the form in which they were in Shakespeare's time, as well as many other rarities.