International organizations: The 70th anniversary of UNESCO is celebrated in the world

16 November 2015

70 years ago on November 16, 1945 in Paris was established the United Nations Organization on Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). Its main objective - to promote peace and security through increased cooperation of states and nations through education, science and culture; ensure justice and the rule of law, universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter, all peoples, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Lavrov wrote an article to the 70th anniversary of UNESCO. It is published in the newspaper “Kommersant”.

The publication is said:

"This year marks the anniversaries of significant events, largely determined the course of history for decades to come. It first of all about the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the World War II and the establishment of the United Nations, designed to prevent a repetition of such tragedies.

These landmark dates are closely linked to the history of the United Nations Organization on Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). At the heart of the creation of UNESCO is the realization that the peaceful development of mankind must be based not only on the military-political and economic mechanisms, but also the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind.

The idea of ​​forming an international cultural and educational space, including developing the next generations of immunity from violence, was launched in the midst of a global conflict. In 1942 in the United Kingdom to the Conference of Education Ministers of Allied in 1943 and the Soviet Union joined the United States as observers. As a result of its activities was crystallized initiative of institutions specialized UN agencies in the field. Adopted at the London Conference of 16 November 1945 UNESCO's Constitution as the fundamental problem fixed the promoting peace and security by expanding cooperation in education, science and culture.

For seven decades the organization now numbering 195 members is firmly established as an international humanitarian rod system architecture, a unique multilateral forum on the protection of the most important human values, cultural heritage and the environment. It is difficult to overestimate its contribution to the improvement of international relations in the sustainable progress of modern civilization.

Our country has become a full member of UNESCO in 1954. This has opened up additional opportunities for participation in international cooperation in the field of education, science, culture, information, contributed to the expansion of UNESCO's contribution to solving the urgent problems of our time.

Today we can say with confidence that the cooperation between Russia and UNESCO is a good example of mutually enriching partnership. It is hard to imagine the development of education, science, culture and communication in Russia without the participation of the organization. As it is impossible to imagine without Russia and the implementation of initiatives and projects aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity, the development of basic science, protection of the world heritage, the preservation of national identity, the development of the ethics of science and technology, to ensure the safety of journalists, Internet governance.

In the current turbulent situation in the world, it is characterized by increased instability and crisis, increased competition in all its manifestations, the role of UNESCO in the maintenance of trust and understanding in the international arena, resistance to the polarization of the world on civilizational and religious lines, the promotion of cultural pluralism. We are convinced that the organization is able to contribute to the achievement of the ambitious goals set forth in the approved in September in New York on the Global Agenda in the field of development for the period up to 2030…

I am convinced that in a rapidly changing world, you must take full advantage of the creative potential of UNESCO to ensure the stability and progress for the benefit of all nations and peoples".