History and culture: The exhibition “How to restore the monument” in Saint-Petersburg

16 November 2015

The Exhibition hall "Postern and casemate of Czar Bastion" (the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg) on November 16, 2015 hosts the exhibition "How to restore the monument. Strategy of Management Agency for monuments of history and culture".

The aim of the exhibition project was the identification of strategies of the Agency in charge of whoch today is more than 200 protected sites, the example of the five specific sites of different periods, located in different cities of Russia.

Thus, the Moscow Chamber of the XVII-XIX centuries in Arkhangelsk lane, present examples of a reference of restoration and adaptation. Conducted by the Agency the works revealed and showed two different time phase of construction of the building: the style "marvelous patterns" of the XVII century and the style of "historicism" of the second half of the XIX century. In addition to the restoration of a high level the works made in the wards are distinguished with the correct device: they are now functioning the Russian military-historical society. 

Solodezhnya and Pechenko chambers are recognized masterpieces of the Moscow civil architecture of the XVII century - has long caused concern with their ruined state. In the early XX century, the house was bought by the Archaeological Society of Pskov, which is going to have here the Pskov Historical Museum. Strategic project AUIPIK implements this idea, suggesting to create a Museum of Architecture Pskov, as a branch of the Shchusev Museum of Architecture.  

Imperial stables of 1848-1855 by the architect N. L. Benois - the famous monument of historicism, settled in the neo-Gothic style - occupy an entire block near the palace and park complex "Alexandria" in Peterhof. In Soviet times, the stable was rebuilt under the resort, after the failure of which the monument was in extremely poor condition. According to the Agency's strategy it is planned to conduct a large-scale scientific restoration and open the equestrian center.

Gostiny Dvor of the beginning of the XIX century in the Volga city of Volsk of the Saratov region - a striking example of the era of the Russian Empire. After the loss of the original commercial function in the building were housed government offices, parish schools, school, hospital. Restoration of the 1990s changed the architectural appearance of the building. Today, the restored project AUIPIK Gostiny Dvor in Volsk returned to its historical purpose: to place here a hotel and restaurant. 

"Home for the young and small families" in Yekaterinburg - a monument to Soviet constructivism - became dominant in the building "Zhilkombinat NKVD", the so-called "Campus of security officers". The 11-storey semi-cylindrical building, designed by a group of architects led by I. P. Antonov at the turn of 1920-1930, for a long time housed the hotel "Iset". Today, the building was empty for several years in anticipation of the planned restoration takes initiative exhibition projects, such as the III Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art.

The exposition reveals the unique history of each of the five selected sites studied and reconstructed by Agency staff in its entirety - on archival materials, measurements, drawings, photographs, objects of decorative art. The exhibition shows not only the cut of the Agency's activities, but also the method of his work: research projects of restoration and adaptation - because it is to choose the right way to use the unique monuments of these buildings provided both safety and a new life.