Society and culture: The new literary exposition “Russian European” was opened at the I. S. Turgenev Museum-Reserve “Spasskoe-Lutovinovo”

12 November 2015

November 9, 2015 at the I. S. Turgenev State Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve "Spasskoe-Lutovinovo" (the Orel region) took place the opening of a new literary exposition "Russian European".

The exposition is located in the building of the wing, built in 1840s and is part of a single historical and architectural manor complex. In the wing Turgenev lived during 1852-1853 during Spasskoe reference.

Great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was "divided" by the fate between Russia and Europe. Turgenev acquainted European readers with Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy; thanks to him, in Russia people began to read Zola, Maupassant, Flaubert. In the course of decades Turgenev was "Russian European", he was called "the ambassador of the Russian intelligentsia" in Europe, "awaiting from him clarification of the puzzle, which is called Russia".

But even away from the Russia Turgenev remained a Russian man - Russian was his way of thinking, his feelings, his tongue. Literary creativity of Turgenev was for his contemporaries a chronicle of Russian public life of the XIX century, and a kind of encyclopedia of culture and art in Europe. To european reader works of Turgenev gave the opportunity to discover Russian characters and the historical fate of Russia. Because of Turgenev, Russian literature has become an event and the phenomenon of world culture.

Literary exposition is created on materials of funds of the I. S. Turgenev State Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve "Spasskoe-Lutovinovo" and includes a large number of authentic items, allowing not only reflect the individual episodes and scenes from the life of Turgenev, but also a new way to uncover many topics of his personal and creative destiny.

The exposition includes two interior rooms – a study of the writer and a "room of the Turgenev’s heroine" dedicated to the best female images created by Turgenev.

The exposition includes photographs and letters of I. S. Turgenev and his contemporaries, the first Russian and foreign editions of Turgenev - from the early lyrical works and "Notes of a Hunter" to "Poems in Prose"; extensive iconography and personal belongings of the writer, paintings and drawings by famous Russian and Western European artists, unique works of arts and crafts.