World history: The historical and documentary exhibition “Russia-Germany: from confrontation to cooperation. To the 70th anniversary of the end of the World War II” in Moscow

10 November 2015

Historical-documentary exhibition "Russia-Germany: from confrontation to cooperation. To the 70th anniversary of the end of the World War II" is opened on November 10, 2015 at the State Historical Museum (Moscow).

The exhibition tells about political, economic, humanitarian and cultural relations between the countries in the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century on the basis of the most important documentary sources, most of which was first shown to experts and the general public. These are documents from the Archives of the Russian foreign policy, the Federal Archives of Germany and the German Foreign Office Political Archives. In combination with a few photos, maps, newsreel, museum objects they create a common historical space, which represents the main historical stages of the constructive rapprochement of the USSR/Russia and Germany from 1945 to 2015.

Special attention should be paid to the multimedia part of the exhibition. Audiovisual documents give the viewer the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the era, which tells the exhibition to witness the historic football match between the USSR and Germany (1955), newsreels combined arms exercises of armies - the Warsaw Treaty "Brotherhood in Arms" (1970) and sign the destruction of the Berlin Wall (1989), presentation by Daniel Granin, who was given a standing ovation by the German Bundestag deputies in 2014. 

Based on the significant events in the life of Russia and Germany, the exhibition organizers wanted to promote common reference points of historical memory focused on mutual understanding in the conditions of the continuing differences in the assessment of some of the events of the past.