History and culture: The XIX World Russian People’s Council “The Legacy of the Prince Vladimir and fates of historical Rus’” in Moscow

10 November 2015

November 10, 2015 in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (Moscow) is opened the XIX World Russian People's Council on the theme "The Legacy of Prince Vladimir and fates of historical Rus’".

The Council welcomes the representatives of all branches of authority, leaders of public organizations, representatives of law enforcement agencies, the higher clergy of traditional religions, science, education and culture, the delegates of Russian communities from near and far abroad, and numerous members of the public.

World Russian People's Council is the largest public forum and intellectual center, which plays a significant role in shaping the public space. The Council as a public organization, representing the interests of the Russian people, makes a significant contribution to the discussion of all the important and relevant to our state and society issues.

During the work of the Council will be discussed a wide range of issues related to the idea of unity and the relationship of different eras of our history, the presence of each of these events and achievements, the memory of which spiritually unites the Russian people with other fraternal peoples, thus creating ideological prerequisites for the preservation and strengthening national unity.

Within the framework of the Council it is also planned to discuss the historical heritage of the Holy Prince Vladimir in the context of the need to maintain the spiritual unity of the peoples.