Internet and history: Multimedia Art Museum to present Internet project “History of Russia in photographs”

4 November 2015

November 4, 2015 the Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow) offers global internet project "History of Russia in pictures" It is a widely available platform on which in the future should be joined the Photo Gallery of all state, regional and municipal museums and archives as well as private photo collection. Even today, on the portal can be found more than 100 000 photographs dating from the middle of the XIX - the beginning of the XXI century. To work on the project "History of Russia in pictures" were joined more than 40 archives and museums. The draft work together heirs of the classics of Russian photography - Alexander Rodchenko, Emmanuel Evzerihin, Vladislav Mikosha, Arcadia Shaikhet and others. Photos of all of the collections and private collections will be available to visitors, and its photo archive to be replenished daily.

The purpose of the project - the reconstruction, preservation and promotion of the visual history of Russia, as well as promotion of public and private archives, working on preserving this history. Visitors of the website will not only get access to the collections of Russian museums, archives and collectors, but also the opportunity to participate in the project, creating their own photo album and photo exhibition of the archive, as it is the user's interaction with the collection that reflects the personal interest of our common history.

Each visitor will be able to clarify the attribution of any photo, write a comment to add to the project images from the collection or family archives. On the page of each photograph will be always pointed its right holder, so the project will create a common platform for communication between museums, archives, collectors and the public.