Museums of Russia: New complex of the Bakhrushin Theater Museum to open in 2018

2 November 2015

Director General of the Bakhrushin Theatre Museum (Moscow), Dmitry Rodionov at a meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation told about the plans to develop the museum, which will celebrate the 125th anniversary of its founding in 2019.

The main areas of the program of integrated development of the museum in 2016-2020 include the creation of a multifunctional Museum and Theater Center in the territory of the main manor of the Museum on the Bakhrushin Street in Moscow and the opening of a branch in Zaraysk (Moscow region).

"In the territory of the main manor of the Bakhrushin Theater Museum there will be created a multifunctional museum and theater building to include several areas," said Dmitry Rodionov. This will solve many problems of the museum. Namely, it will provide additional space to accommodate the scope of collections, to house lectures, workshops, discussions, meetings with the masters of culture and art, theater performances of small forms, exhibition halls.

In the garden and park area of the estate will be reconstructed the manor park with recreation areas for visitors, an outdoor platform for theaters and concerts, as well as the halls of special theater effects, a cafe, a shop selling books and souvenirs. According to Dmitry Rodionov, the entire complex of the museum and theater center will be put into operation in stages. In 2019 it is planned to open the new building of the center.

Currently, a branch called "Theatre Museum in Zaraysk" is being created at the former gymnasium of the early twentieth century given over to the Bakhrushin Theatre Museum in 2015. Its opening is scheduled for 2017.

The branch will have a form of a multifunctional cultural center with two major functional areas - the museum (it will house a permanent exhibition and display temporary exhibitions) and a cultural and leisure area (outdoor reading room enabling to view recordings of performances, listen to music, organization of meetings, workshops by cultural workers, etc.).

This project will increase the tourist attractiveness of the city of Zaraysk, included in the list of the main sites of cultural tourism of the Moscow region.