Education and society: All-Russia geographic dictation is held in all Russian regions
November 1, 2015 at 12:00 local time, in all regions of the country will be launched the All-Russia geographic dictation. Anyone regardless of age and education may take part in the large-scale educational action, which is first carried out by the Russian Geographical Society.
The dictation was initiated by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Society Vladimir Putin at the XV Congress of the Russian Geographical Society. The idea has received broad support from the public. The Russian Geographic Society received hundreds of addresses from ordinary people who want to write the dictation. The educational action was also supported by the federal media, leading universities of Russia, prominent political and public figures.
In every subject of the Russian Federation regional offices of the Russian Geographical Society organized the sites to host the geographic dictation.
For those who, for whatever reasons, will not be able to test their knowledge at the off-line sites, will have an opportunity of the online testing available on the website of the Russian Geographical Society at 14.00 Moscow time.
The dictation will assess the level of geographical knowledge of all citizens of our country and attract attention to the problem of geographic literacy. As a result of the All-Russia test, geography syllabus will be amended.