History and culture: The exhibition of paintings to celebrate 1000-annviersary of Russian monks on Mount Athos is opened in Saint-Petersburg
December 23, 2015 at the Stroganov Palace (the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg) was opened the exhibition "The monk Ephraim. Meeting with Athos. Painting".
The exhibition of Vladimir Pavlovich Makarov (1938-2014), dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Russian monks on Mount Athos, is designed to acquaint visitors with the spiritual search and service of monk Ephraim - known restorer and icon painter, an artist from 1992 to 2014 residing in Greece and to connect his life with the Russian St. Panteleimon monastery. In Greece, he recreated many icons, mosaics and paintings in the St. Panteleimon Monastery and other monasteries on Mount Athos.
Before being a monk on Mount Athos, V. P. Makarov, getting the specialty of the artist and restorer of icons and monumental painting, since 1983 has worked on the restoration of the priceless masterpieces of icon painting in the brigade of the Leningrad Regional restoration workshop, which was a priority conservation of wall paintings of the Transfiguration Cathedral on Valaam. Later, V. P. Makarov worked in the restoration workshop of the Valaam Museum, where he recreated a large number of icons that are included in the permanent exhibition, exhibitor under the arches of the Gate Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Transfiguration.
The exhibition features icons and paintings made by monk Ephraim in 2007-2014, as well as documentary materials: photos associated with the time of his stay on Mount Athos.