To the Year of Russian Cinema-2016: The exhibition, dedicated to the Silver Age of Russian Cinema, in Saint-Petersburg

24 December 2015

December 24, 2015 in the new building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) to the Year of Cinema in the Russian Federation is opened the exhibition "Chained with Films": The Silver Age of Russian cinema".

120 years ago "cinematography" of Lumiere brothers began traveling with the triumph around the world and in 1896 the French introduced cinema to the Russians. In 1898 appeared the first Russian movies, in which the plot was not more important, the ability to hit the audience with moving pictures. Already in 1910 the Russian cinema has found its face: new genres, innovative direction, talented actors. The first decades of the XX century - the heyday of Russian culture - have been the heyday of Russian cinema, its "Silver Age".    

The exhibition at the National Library of Russia tells about the beginning of the "cinema of civilization" in Russia, about the formation of cinema as art and the development of the film industry. Among the exhibits - posters, books, brochures, magazines of the XIX - XX centuries from the funds of the NLR.

The main exhibits have become movie posters for films, many of which have not preserved. The story of the creation of films and materials on display, which allow conveying the atmosphere of the Silver Age of Russian cinema, is demonstrated.

Visitors will be able to see "the movie periodicals" of the early XX century, which has played an important role in promoting the movie at the time. In 1916 were published 11 professional publications. These are "Projector", "Pegasus", "Kinematics" and others. 

Among the exhibits - the libretto of movies, programs "electro theater", catalogs studios, memoirs of actors and directors of the Silver Age, the Charter of cinema theaters and owners of Russian cinema farm.

The exhibition will be open until February 4, 2016.