Museums of Russia: The exhibition “From the Pushkin House to the House of Pushkin” to the 90th anniversary of the A. S. Pushkin Memorial Museum in Saint-Petersburg

17 December 2015

In the Green Hall of the National Pushkin Museum (St. Petersburg) was opened the exhibition "From Pushkin House to the House of Pushkin", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Pushkin Memorial Apartment.

The exhibition features unique materials from the collections of the national Pushkin Museum, the Institute of Russian Literature (the Pushkin House), the Russian Academy of Sciences, and documents from the archives of the St. Petersburg branch of the RAS Archive, which reflected the important stages of the Memorial Pushkin Museum in the house on the Moika, 12.

The peculiarity of the museum of the poet is in his collection, including almost all of Pushkin's relics. Some of these items are removed from the funds of the National Pushkin Museum exclusively for the duration of the exhibition.

For the first time the museum displays documents of forensic examination conducted in 2008 and prove the authenticity of the sofa in the office of the poet. Family heirlooms, came to the museum in recent decades from the descendants of Pushkin are also exhibited: signet and coral bracelet of wife of the poet; quilt related to grandchildren.

The exhibition features memorabilia and portraits of scientists, who stood at the origins of the museum: B.L. Modzalevsky, M. D. Belyaev, S. F. Platonov, N. V. Izmailov and others. Of particular note is the book recording of the first visitors to the museum. On its pages are preserved autographs of E. Vakhtangov and his troupe of actors, A. Akhmatova, and other well-known figures of Russian culture.

The materials of the exhibition give an idea of ​​how throughout the XX century, the life of the famous museum on the Moika, 12, predetermined changes taking place in the country's history and culture. Paintings and watercolors by V. I. Shuhaev, Y. P. Annenkov, N. P. Ulyanov, V. N. Kuchumov and other famous artists of the XX century, rare photographs, books, posters 1920-70s reflected the unique atmosphere the years when the former apartment of the great poet was transformed from a "memorial museum-type institutions" in the museum, which became one of the most popular and revered memorial places of St. Petersburg.