Information technology and museums: Collections of the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve are digitized

14 December 2015

The Moscow State Integrated Museum Reserve completed a project to convert to electronic funds collections "Archeology", "Fotofonovideofond", "Old Russian Painting" and objects of decorative-applied art.  

Digital copies of the exhibits will fill the information-analytical system "KAMIS" that will improve the process of registration and storage of funds. In addition, the electronic images of the objects appear on the portal of the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve in the "Collections".

Objects of archeology, which belong to different periods of history, were converted to a digital format using technology photographic images. Professional photography of 500 exhibits from all angles will fully convey their characteristics.

As part of "Fotofonovideofond" museum-reserve - rare and precious photographs of the end of XIX-early XX century, photo albums, black-and-white negatives of 1920-1930, transparencies beginning of the XX century, as well as modern foil color negatives, slides, and other materials. More than 3000 negatives were scanned on the specialized equipment, and 3000 photos were converted into electronic form at a planetary scanner ELAR PlanScan "C" series.

Collection of Old Russian painting of the Moscow State Integrated Museum Reserve contains a unique collection of Russian icons of the XVI-XX centuries. The project has been converted into a digital format of 290 exhibits. Samples were digitized in the complex high-quality scan of the brand "ELAR PauerSkan".