The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with archival materials from the Russian State Historical Archive (Fund 1603), reflecting the life and work of the historian, writer, professor of the Kiev and the St. Petersburg Universities, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences, one of the leaders of the St. Cyril and Methodius, the author of a multivolume publication "Russian history in the lives of its leaders" Nikolai Ivanovich Kostomarov (1817-1885).
Provided materials can be divided into the following groups:
- documents of service and public activity
The decree for the release of Captain Ivan Petrovich Kostomarov from military service. August 31, 1790 1 p. (Issue 1 Case 1);
Diplomas issued to N. I. Kostomarov by the Imperial Russian Geographical Society and other societies, to the title of full member of these societies, Kiev University diploma on awarding N. I. Kostomarov with title of Doctor of Russian history, and an honorary member of the University of Kiev. April 19, 1860 - September 8, 1884 6 l. (Issue 1 Case 4);
Notification of the Minister of Education D. A. Tolstoy to N. I. Kostomarov to increase at the highest resolution of its monetary allowance to the size of the salary of full professor. May 23, 1870 2 p. (Issue 1 Case 9);
The contract concluded by N. I. Kostomarov from Z. Kulzhinskaya, for the publication of his works on Russian history. Oct. 27, 1873 - May 21, 1874 2 p. (Issue 1 Case 13);
Decree on awarding N. I. Kostomarov with the Order of Vladimir of the 3rd degree and Stanislaus with the 1st degree. January 17, 1874, January 1, 1880 2 p. (Issue 1 Case 14);
Ascribed a ticket to the journal "Historical Library" (1858. № 1-4) in the city of Saratov in the name of [N. I.] Kostomarov. 1858 1 p. (Issue 2 Case 10);
Notice of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of the highest permission to take from N. I. Kostomarov of four thousand rubles for the establishment of an award in his name to produce the best Little Russian dictionary, and the publication of the rules of attribution of this prize. December 18, 1880, March 31, 1881 2 l. (Issue 1 Case 18);
Business Card by N. I. Kostomarov. 1 p. (Issue 2 Case 6).
- creative papers
Collection of folk songs, the western part of Volynskaya province. Compiled by N. I. Kostomarov. 1844 94 l. (Issue 1Case 3);
Handwritten entries by N. I. Kostomarov on the history of Russia. [1817-1885]. 157 p. (Issue 1 Case 5);
Manuscript by N.I. Kostomarov "Who was the first False Dmitry". [1817-1885]. 27 p. (Issue 1 Case 7);
Handwritten entries by N. I. Kostomarov on Russian history. [1817-1885]. 70 p. (Issue 1 Case 8);
Handwritten notes by N. I. Kostomarov on Russian history. [18 -? - 1885]. 79 p. (Issue 1 Case11);
Рукописные записки Н. B. Костомарова по русской истории. [18-?-1885]. 79 л. (Оп. 1 Д. 11);
Рукопись Н. И. Костомарова "К Смутному времени". [1817-1885]. 64 л. (Оп. 1 Д. 12);
Рукописные записи Н. И. Костомарова по русской истории. [18-?-1885]. 44 л. (Оп. 1 Д. 15);
Рукописные записи Н. И. Костомарова по русской истории. [18-?-1885]. 84 л. (Оп. 1 Д. 17);
Рукописные записи Н. И. Костомарова по истории Древней Руси. [1817-1885]. 30 л. (Оп. 1 Д. 19);
Рукописные записи Н. И. Костомарова по русской истории с древних времен. [1817-1885]. 78 л. (Оп. 1 Д. 20);
Монография Н.И. Костомарова "Мазепа", главы 1-5 : [ранее 1881 г.]. 143 л. (Оп. 2 Д. 14);
Монография Н. И. Костомарова "Мазепа", главы 6-10. [1877-1881]. 143 л. (Оп. 2 Д. 15) ;
Монография Н. И. Костомарова "Мазепа", главы 11-12. [1877-1881]. 96 л. (Оп. 2 Д. 16);
Монография Н. И. Костомарова "Мазепа", главы 13-16. [1877-1881]. 139 л. (Оп. 2 Д. 17).
-documents collected by N. I. Kostomarov for the work
Letters of False Dmitry in Polish (collected by N. I. Kostomarov). [1790-1911]. 6 p. (Issue 1 Case 6).
- correspondence
Letter of N. I. Kostomarov to Franz Semenovich [Malevsky]. August 2, 1862 1 p. (Issue 2 Case 4);
Letter by N. I.Kostomarov to Mikhail Ivanovich [Semevsky] about sending "Kudeyar" in the magazine "Herald of Europe" (jokingly). January 23, 1875 2 p. (Issue 2 Case 5);
Letter by Nikolai Havrilovich Chernyshevsky to N. I. Kostomarov of modern literary criticism. Without graduation. [1853-1889]. 4 p. (issue 2 Case 9);
Letter by N. I. Kostomarov [historian] to Alexander Nikolayevich [Veselovsky] with a request to transfer the letters to the appointment of Professor [Moscow University and other institutions related to his upcoming trip] is respected as well as the destination, and the author of the letter. June 14, 1883 1 p. (Issue 2 Case 12).
- dedicatory inscription
Book cover by N. I. Kostomarov "In recent years the Commonwealth. The historical monograph" (St. Petersburg. 1870) with the inscription: "Vladimir Pavlovich Bezobrazov by esteemed author". 1870. 1 p. (Issue 2 Case 1).
- documents of N. I. Kostomarov, graphic materials
Post by Mordovtsev made by the Company to benefit needy writers and scholars, the historical satire NIKostomarov opera "The Prophet", written by the author in a letter in 1870 (text satire attached). [1905-1911]. 1 p. (Issue 13, Case 2);
Ticket and pass-program solemn meeting of Voronezh scientific archive committee, dedicated to the memory of N. I. Kostomarov. 28 March 1911 4 p. (Issue 2 Case 7);
The announcement of the publication of the album to commemorate the 35th anniversary of activity of N. I. Kostomarov with the image of the album cover on the figure of Professor N. N. Ge artist Verkhovtsev. 1873 1 p. (Issue 2 Case 8);
Portraits by N. I. Kostomarov: photos on postcards. [18 -? - 1905]. 2 postcards (Issue 2 Case 11).
- property and economic and domestic materials, reflecting the economic and material conditions of life of N. I. Kostomarov
Will by N. I. Kostomarov. April 6, 1877 5 p. (Issue 1 Case 16);
Magazine of the meeting of the Voronezh Exchequer on March 21, 1832 to possession of reckoning T. P. Kostomarova of farmers bought from landowner N. Mikhailovskaya, and left her a legacy of her husband, and Revision lists. 13 March 1816 - 21 March 1832 4 p. (Issue 1 Case 2);
Passport issued by the T. P. Kostomarova for the right of residence in all Russian cities. November 27, 1871 2 p. (Issue 1 Case 10).
The preparation of new materials will be continued.