World history and culture: The exhibition, dedicated to the history of festivities in Russia and abroad, is opened in Saint-Petersburg

10 December 2015

December 10, 2105 in the hall of Korf of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) is opened the book-illustrative exhibition “The Mask, do I know you? Travel of the masquerade from Venice to Petersburg”.

The first masquerades in Russia were introduced by Peter I. Funny processions, created the atmosphere of the celebration, freedom, destroyed the usual understanding about Soviet etiquette became the custom for centuries. The exhibition of the NLR tells of the tradition of the masquerade in Russia from the assembly of the era of Peter I to costumed carnivals of the Silver Age, reflecting the theme of the masquerade in literature, music and fine arts.

The exposition features rare editions of the XVIII-XIX centuries from the collections of the NLR. The exhibits also give an idea of the famous fireworks and illuminations, held during the court balls of the XVIII centuries.

Visitors will learn how the famous costumed ball of 1903 was held – the most famous festival in Saint-Petersburg during the reign of Nicholas II. 

About how Venetian carnival masks were borrowed from characters of Italian Commedia dell Arte, a special kind of street theater, which originated in Italy in the XVI century, it tells the richly illustrated edition of Costantino Miklashevsky «La commedia dell arte or theater of Italian comedians of the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries» (Petrograd, 1917).  

The exhibition is joined with illustrations of Leo Bakst, Konstantin Somov, other representatives of the association “World of Art”.

The exhibition will run until January 14, 2016.