Information technology and society: “Concept of Information security of children” is approved
Decree of the Government of Russia on December 2, 2015 № 2471-p approved the "Concept of information security of children", which will contribute to the implementation of the unified state policy in the field of information safety of children, the creation of the modern media environment, taking into account the risks associated with the development of the Internet and information technologies.
Concept defines the basic principles of information security of children, priorities and mechanisms of implementation of the state policy in this area, the expected results.
Provisions of the Concept are based on the recognition of children and adolescents with active participants in the information process, the state's responsibility for compliance with the legal interests of children in the field of information, education of children for their independent and critical thinking, creating in the information environment of a favorable atmosphere for children and adolescents, regardless of their social status, religion and ethnicity.
The priority tasks of the state policy in the field of information safety of children includes: increasing media literacy of children and adolescents, the formation of their sense of responsibility for their actions in the information space, the satisfaction of cognitive needs and interests, and to minimize the risks of de-socialization, the development and consolidation of deviant and unlawful actions of teenagers.
The result of implementation of the Concept should be formed by 2020 of the generation of young people who will be able to navigate freely and independently in the modern information environment. It is planned that it will be created a media environment with key features like the free access of children to the historical and cultural heritage, increase the number of children and adolescents who share the values of patriotism, promotion of healthy lifestyles, the formation in children respect for intellectual property and copyright.
The executive authorities of the Federation recommended taking into account the provisions of the Concept of the formation and implementation of regional programs in the field of information security of children.
Decisions will facilitate the implementation of the unified state policy in the field of information safety of children, the creation of the modern media environment, taking into account the risks associated with the development of the Internet and information technologies.