The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The literary marathon “War and Peace. Reading the novel” started

8 December 2015

December 8, 2015 was launched an ambitious project - the literary marathon reading live Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace".

From 8 to 11 December 2015, in tele- radio- and internet broadcast will take place broadcast of reading one of the most ambitious works of world literature - Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". Continuously one after another, over a thousand people from different cities and countries will be read a novel from the first page to the last. Follow the broadcast will be possible on the channel "Russia K" radio station "Mayak", as well as the project website or or войнаимир.рф. Each new stage will start at 10:00 Moscow time.

The project will involve many cities in Russia and the world, located in different time zones: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Smolensk, Kazan, Ufa, Sochi, Grozny, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Berlin, Paris, Beijing, Washington and many others. Grounds for readings are equipped with theaters, museums, historical buildings, some of which are linked to the text of the novel (the museum-panorama "Borodino Battle", the State Historical Museum, the State Hermitage Museum, the Moscow musical theater "Helikon-Opera", the G. A. Tovstonogov Big Drama Theatre and others). 

One of the platforms will be Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" - here came the idea of works, recognized as the most widely read book immediately after the publication. 8 and 9 December, viewers around the world will be able to see the original interiors of the house of the writer and his desk, behind which were created many chapters of "War and Peace".

Excerpts from the novel at Yasnaya Polyana will be read by actors, writers; as readers will perform descendants of Leo Tolstoy, the staff of the museum-estate and residents of the village Yasnaya Polyana.

Literary Marathon "War and Peace. Reading the novel" is implemented with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, and will be the largest share of the Year of Literature in Russia.