History of Saint-Petersburg: The photo exhibition “Petersburg. Indirect View”

31 January 2016

From January 28, 2016 to February 29, 2016 at the Museum of Printing (St.Petersburg) was opened an exhibition of Petersburg photographer Alexander Filippov "Petersburg. Indirect View", which is about 50 works created in recent years.

Indirect, unfocused gaze of the author draws the viewer's attention not only and not so much on the subject, but its interaction with reality, in this case, with the city. The basis of this view - the maximum freedom and improvisation, it is not scanned happening and intuitively captures seen.

Among the works of Alexander Filippov there are no staged shots. The city lives its ordinary lives: moving vehicles, people hiding from the rain, meet, or vice versa, pass each other…

The works are executed in various techniques, from "straight" photography to graphics and multi-layered in the literal and figurative sense of the images.

The exhibition demonstrates a series of portraits. It's not shooting pavilions, the portrayed sealed in their familiar, natural environment: in a residential interior, over a cup of tea in the workshop.

So the exhibition presents to the viewer casual Petersburg and casual portraits of Petersburg residents.