Memorable dates of Russia: Exhibition “True Bitter Word” timed to the 190th birthday anniversary of Saltykov-Schedrin in Novgorod the Great

28 January 2016

January 27, 2016 marks the 190th birthday anniversary of a Russian writer and journalist Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. Exhibition "True Bitter Word" timed to this date runs from January 23 to February 2, 2016 at the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library.

The exhibition features publications from the library, such as a collection of works of the writer in 20 volumes published in the period of 1965-1977 by the "Fiction" publishing house, the memoirs of contemporaries, the works of researchers of his work A. Bushmin, S. Makashin, D. Nikolaev, E. Pokusaev and others.

Editions from the rare books collection of the regional library occupy a special place at the exhibition.

Publications of the Soviet age are represented also by the books illustrated by famous artists, "The History of a City" with Kukryniksy drawings, "Provincial Essays" with illustrations by M. Bashilov, "Pompadours and Pompadouresses" illustrated by Yu. Hershkovich, "The Golovlyov Family" with drawings of S. Alimov.