History of Saint-Petersburg: The exhibition of lithographs from unique series “Leningrad” (1944-1956)

27 January 2016

January 27, 2016, in the 72nd anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade, in the I. E. Repin Museum-estate "Penates" (Leningrad region) is presented a unique cycle of lithographs "Leningrad" (1944-1956) by Anatoly Lvovich Kaplan (1902-1980) from the collection of Isaac and Lyudmila Kushnir (St. Petersburg).

A native of the town of Rogachev in Belarus, Anatoly Kaplan in 1927 graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, and for the rest of his fate was linked with Leningrad.

Having survived the first, the most cruel blockade winter, spring of 1942 Kaplan was evacuated to the Urals. After the lifting of the blockade, in 1944 he returned to his hometown.

Leningrad - wounded, dilapidated became the main theme and the protagonist of his lithographs of those years. 

In the period from 1944 to 1956 in this technique he created more than a hundred species of the beloved city. These works have long entered the golden fund of the most important works of graphic art. 

Anatoly Kaplan works are in major museum collections in the world, his exhibitions were held in dozens of countries in Europe and America.

The exhibition at the I. E. Repin Museum-estate "Penates" presents 26 famous lithographs from the series "Leningrad".

The exhibition runs until March 13, 2016.