Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “The Name in History” to the 315th anniversary of the education of engineer troops in Russia was opened in Saint-Petersburg

22 January 2016

On the Day of Engineering Troops in Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg) was opened the exhibition "The Name in History" dedicated to prominent military engineer Konstantin Velichko, encyclopedic educated general, a great connoisseur of military engineering, brought up a galaxy of engineers.

Visitors can see unique drawings and plans of fortresses, designed by K. I. Velichko. In the windows are demonstrated the documents with his autograph.

Among the exhibits - a model of the fort, named after its creator. Fort Velichko on the project in 1909 in contrast to the analogous 1880, formed the basis of Russian fortresses, later became a stronghold of the infantry.

Portraits and photographs of the Great Russian engineer, his scientific works and awards are also demonstrated.

The exhibition "The Name in History. To the 160th anniversary of K. I. Velichko" will be open until the end of February.